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Athenagoras of Belgium:”Peacekeeping important work in the world …”

On Friday, February 1, 2019, His Eminence Metropolitan Athenagoras of Belgium and Exarch of the Netherlands and Luxembourg, on the occasion of the sharing of the Basil Bread, blessed the new facilities of the Greek Representation at the NATO in Brussels. About a year ago, NATO moved into its new offices, and left the buildings in which the organization worked since 1949, the year of its foundation. In the outskirts of Brussels (municipality of Evere) and in the direction of Zaventem airport, an impressive structure, equipped with the latest contemporary technology, is hosting all services of the Alliance, both diplomatic and military.

After the prayer service, Metropolitan Athenagoras thanked the Head of the Permanent Representation of Greece to the NATO, Ambassador Spyridon Lambridis, and the military representative, Admiral Konstantin Karageorgis, for the invitation: an opportunity to inaugurate the place where the Greek Representation is located and to receive the blessing of God.

“Responsible people of the representations of the member states of the NATO alliance opened this new building 18 months ago. Today, the Greek Representation receives the blessing of God to carry out this so important and precious work – the preservation of peace in the world – a good thing that is often overlooked … Your work is valuable because here the peace and stability of the world are cultivated, “said the Metropolitan. Then he referred to the new year and the great event of the Golden Jubilee of the Archdiocese and the preparation of the festivities. The Head of the Greek Representation Ambassador Mr. Lambridis thanked His Eminence for his presence and the blessing of the new NATO facilities, and wished his close associates and all members of the representation health and perseverance in their mission.

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